Do you believe in our mission?

Thank you for your interest in supporting us and getting involved! We have different options depending on what works best for you.

  • Sponsor an Athlete

    Training and competing can get expensive for athletes of all ages. Your sponsorship helps cover things like their training fees, gear costs, and travel expenses.

  • Support our Fundraisers

    We fundraise to help our athletes with their travel expenses for competitions, as well as to build a fund to reduce financial barriers for our members. Check out our Events page to see our upcoming fundraisers.

  • Donate

    Every little bit helps. Donations can go to improving the space that our athletes train in, helping us out with operating costs, or any other way you would like to help us out.

  • Volunteer

    Do you have a skill or a talent you would like to use in some way to help us out? Get in touch with us and let’s chat about the possibilities.

  • Become a Sponsor

    Want to make things more official? Chat with us about becoming a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum sponsor!